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The Writing Centre offers workshops on a regular basis to improve your English academic writing skills. All workshops will take place on location at the P.C. Hoofthuis and take two hours.


  • Common Writing Errors

    This workshop covers common grammar, vocabulary and punctuation errors in student writing. Using real examples, we will discuss how best to correct such errors in order to ensure that your writing is as clear and explicit as possible. The workshop is interactive, with plenty of exercises and opportunities to ask questions.

  • Wordiness

    This interactive workshop covers techniques for ensuring clarity, readability and conciseness in academic writing. Using examples from student writing, we will discuss how to avoid wordiness and unnecessary repetition in order to convey information as clearly as possible. There will be plenty of opportunities to practice and ask questions.

  • Using Sources

    The focus of this interactive workshop is how to integrate external sources into your own writing smoothly. After a short orientation on finding and evaluating sources and using citation systems, we discuss the difference between quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing. We will go into further depth on each of these techniques, and there will be time for practice. Finally, we discuss (accidental) plagiarism and how to avoid it.

  • Structure

    Ensuring your text is clear, readable and concise depends in large part on how you structure it. In this interactive workshop we will discuss how to effectively structure your paper as a whole, how to build up a paragraph, and how to structure your sentences in order to control the flow of information. There will be time for practice and questions.

How to apply

The workshops take place from 15:00 - 17:00 (except the workshop Wordiness on 21 November 2024, which will run from 15:30 - 17:30). A link for online registration will be posted here about three weeks beforehand (mark your calendar to avoid disappointment, as there are usually more applications than spots). Click the link next to the date of the workshop to apply. Kindly note that by applying for a workshop, you are committing to attend.

Semester 1

19 November 2024        Using Sources
21 November 2024        Structure
21 November 2024        Wordiness (this workshop will start 30 minutes later and runs from 15:30 - 17:30!)
26 November 2024        Common Writing Errors (FULL)

Semester 2

11 March 2025                 Common Writing Errors
13 March 2025                 Wordiness
6 May 2025                       Using Sources
15 May 2025                     Structure