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If you are a native German speaker who is looking for a way to learn Dutch to complete the State Exams within one summer, the Intensive Summer Course for native German speakers is a good option for you. This course takes five weeks in total and concludes with the State Exams. It is a full-time programme that aims to enable native German speakers to learn Dutch at an advanced level so they can start a Dutch-taught university programme in September. If German is not your native tongue, but you would like to attend a Dutch language course during the summer, please have a look at our regular Intensive Summer course.
  • What to expect from class

    This full-time course is taught using a combination of classroom activities, individual feedback and studying the offered course materials. After finishing the course you will be able to take part in the State Exam Dutch as a Second Language (NT2).

    Lessons are held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. Wednesday and the afternoons should be spent on self-study.

    Classroom activities

    The course activities are founded upon various tasks. These tasks are functional, and are directly linked to a concrete situation, such as ‘having conversations with people on the street’ or ‘writing a job application’. By using multimedia, the teacher provides learners with opportunities to develop the four language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking.

  • Level

    This course starts at CEFR level A2 and finishes with CEFR level B2. 

    See Preparation before the start of the course on how to aquire the mandatory starting level for the course.

  • Preparation before the start of the course

    You are expected to have obtained some simple Dutch skills before of the course (at CEFR level A2).  For instance, you must be able to follow the main lines of a TV show and a newspaper article.

    You can find out whether you have the required entry level with the test below. Read both the texts and solve the related tasks. In total, you should not spend more than two hours on the test. Once you're done, check your answers against the key. At insufficient number of points or if you spend significantly more than two hours on the test your knowledge of Dutch probably does not yet correspond to this necessary level.

    You are advised to use to following books to bring your Dutch to level A2.

    • De Jonge, A. (2018). Langenscheidt Niederländisch mit System. ISBN 9783468803987.
    • Boer, B. de, M. van der Kamp & B. Lijmbach (2017). In de startblokken. Nederlands voor Duitstaligen. Bussum: Coutinho. ISBN 9789046905678.
    • Sciarone, B. et al. (2009). De Delftse methode. Nederlands voor buitenlanders (4e editie). Amsterdam: Boom. ISBN 9789058753649 (Kapitel 1-25). 


  • Textbook

    At the start of the course, you should acquire the following:

    • Gabriel-Kamminga, M. & J. Roodzant (2004 oder später). PONS Grammatik kurz und bündig Niederländisch. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Sprachen. ISBN 3125608708 / ISBN 9783125616622.
    • Verbruggen (K) & M. Tamse (2019). Op naar de eindstreep. Nederlands voor Duitstaligen. Bussum, Coutinho. Derde herziene druk. ISBN: 978 90 469 0676 7.


  • Terms and Conditions

    The course fee covers access to the UvA computers and Canvas, the digital learning environment of the UvA. The course fee does not cover the textbooks or the State Exam NT2-II fee. 

    When there are less than ten applicants for a group, the group will be cancelled. Those who have already paid the course fee will naturally be completely refunded.

    A refund is only possible if written cancellation (by letter or by email) is received at least four weeks before the start of the course. A ten percent administration charge will be deducted from each refund.

    If during the course period the Covid-19 situation changes and on campus classes are no longer possible, the INTT will switch to fully online classes to enable you to continue the course.

  • The State Exam NT2 Programme II

    The programme leads up to the State Exams Dutch as a Second Language (Nt2) organized and officially recognized by the Dutch government.  Over the course of four days, the official language proficiency exams for non-native adult speakers will be conducted. 

    The State Exams Nt2 consist of four parts; Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking. After passing a part of the exams, you will receive a certificate of completion for that part. After passing all four parts of the exams, you receive the Diploma State Exams Nt2.
    The State Exam Nt2 is not included in the course price. Participants need to ensure they timely register themselves for the State Exam Nt2.

Practical information

Target group: Higher educated native German speakers
Class size: 18-20
Language of instruction: Dutch
Hours per week: 16 hours worth of classes per week and a minimum of 20 hours of self-study
Course duration: 5 weeks of classes followed by four days during which the NT2 Exam will take place
Classes: 16 June - 18 July 2025
Class Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9.00 - 13.00
NT2 Exam (not included): 21 - 24 July 2025


  • Full fee: €2290
  • Reduced fee for UvA students and staff: €1380
